Amongst many a superyacht, there are also a number of de-luxe gulet yachts available for genuine luxury crewed yacht charters.Croatia, Greece and Turkey in the East Mediterranean are in particular the destinations of choice when it comes to gullet, gulet or goolet yacht charters.

The most luxurious gullets are based in Greece and Turkey with the greatest choice being offered in this two locations. Croatia has a good number of these traditional wooden vessels as well yet the choice of trully luxury vessels depends on the announcements of those usually based in Turkey to come and cruise in the Adriatic. Montenegro has only a few such yachts, while most recently even in France you can charter a gulet yacht. Italy and Malta have also in the meantime seen an increase in luxury crewed and de-luxe gullet yachts visiting or permanently staying in the area.

Whatever location one thing is certain. De-luxe gullet yachts are offering a true value in terms of luxury crewed yacht charter. Similarly sized designer sailing yacht from Wally, Perini Navi or Dubois would most certainly cost twice to hire. The service on board of de-luxe gullet yachts is also exceptional and especially in Turkey, most of the time provided on all inclusive terms. Gullets such as KAYA GUNERI V, ZELDA, ESTRELLA DE MAR and PAPA JOE in Turkey, Aegeotissa in Greece, Monte Cristo in Italy or Andjeo, Blue Star or BARBARA in Croatia, are some of those who qualify as genuine de-luxe motor sailors or indeed gullets available for family summer vacations.

The other best advantages of these yachts, other than great value and superior crew service, are their regular updates, refits and purchase of new equipment. The owners of Barabar gullet in Croatia for example spend tens of thousands of Euros every year in order to ensure their boat and their business remain at the top of the yacht offering. The owners of Andjeo have spent 200,000 Eur last year alone and have made sure their gullet Andjeo looks better than when it was new. Considering that these boats do not cost ”millions” as designer shipyard sailing yachts do, these amounts are huge.
With plenty of water toys on board and lots of water and jet skiing offered during your cruise, and latest technology that usually includes iPod dock, SAT TV in salon and great hi-fi system with cockpit speakers, one final advantage of de-luxe gullets is that they provide spacious accommodation and luxury toilets and finally and probably most importantly, most of them can also sail as well as motor up if necessary